
Translation as Transhumance – By Mireille Gansel (Translated from the French by Ros Schwartz)...

(In this beautiful memoir of a life lived in and through translation, Mireille Gansel defines the process of bringing words from one language to...

The Long Weeping – By Jessie van Eerden ( An excerpt )

                   ( The Long Weeping - In this collection of portraits, the eye is the vital “lamp of the body,” a spiritual organ...

How the Yugoslav Wars Shaped a Generation of Writers – By Lidija Dimkovska

“What was happening in Croatia and more generally throughout Yugoslavia was discussed at the university, often in connection with soldiers from the Yugoslav National...

The Rise of the Fragmented Novel (An Essay in 26 Fragments ) ...

1 Mainstream literary fiction is falling to pieces. 2 This may not be a bad thing. 3 The fragmented novel has been a mainstay of the literary world for...

‘Landscape Painted with Tea’ as an Ecological Novel – By Jasmina Mihajlovic

"Suddenly I freeze. I sense, I clearly sense, somebody watching me. Somebody's eyes are fixed upon me. And then I realize that staring out...

Beginning and the end of the Novel – By Milorad Pavić

Borges was eager to see the faces of his first hundred readers. My eagerness is different. Are we all standing before a challenge to...

On Dubbing – Jorge Luis Borges

Art’s possibilities for combination are not infinite, but they tend to be appalling. The Greeks begot the chimera, monster with the head of a...

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