
I was the Wind Last Night (New & Collected Poems)- Ruskin Bond

 By Anjana Basu  Mountains of Silence Ruskin Bond’s poetry, like his prose is without pretentions. His verses are rhymed in some cases, not in some and...

Don’t Run, My Love – A Novella by Easterine Kire

 Book Review by: Anjana Basu Easterine Kire takes Naga folk tales and weaves them into stories that could belong to any time and place, set...

Aura – ( A Novel by Carlos Fuentes ) By Ted Gioia

Felipe Montero sits reading a newspaper in a seedy café, when he is startled by a classified ad.  The solicitation seems written with him...

Speaking in tongues: Alvin Pang’s poetry – By Alfred A. Yuson

Our good buddy Alvin Pang of Singapore has just authored a new poetry collection: What Happened: Poems 1997 – 2017, edited and with a...

‘Landscape Painted with Tea’ as an Ecological Novel – By Jasmina Mihajlovic

"Suddenly I freeze. I sense, I clearly sense, somebody watching me. Somebody's eyes are fixed upon me. And then I realize that staring out...

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