Tanka by Gabriel Rosenstock



Gabriel Rosenstock’s Tanka Series – 1



they drink to forget You
to forget Your voice
Your loveliness
             consumed by the dark
             as if they never knew You


The Drinkers
by 1861 – By Honoré Daumier



leaves fly from trees
as though they were birds migrating
not knowing where to go
              take me, beloved, now
              winds of autumn rattle me



Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys
Jean-François Millet



‘the dragon that has scaled the heights
laments his coming fall’
it has been said
      nowhere for me to fall now
      but in Your arms, beloved

Dragon Awakens – By
Theodor Severin Kittelsen



I have built You a folly
come and view it
it is nothing really
         birds will come and delight in it
         in its sheer nothingness

Landscape with a Fantastic Castle –
1865 –
George Sand


About the Author

Photo: Jim Berkeley.

Gabriel Rosenstock is a bilingual poet (in Irish & English), haikuist, tankaist, playwright, novelist, short story writer, essayist, translator, writer for children and champion of ‘forlorn causes’ – the phrase is Hugh MacDiarmid’s. He is a Lineage Holder of Celtic Buddhism and a member of Aosdána (the Irish academy of arts and letters). Among his awards is the Tamgha-i-Khidmat medal (Pakistan) for services to literature. Gabriel’s most recent volume of poetry is Glengower: Poems for No One in Irish and English (The Onslaught Press).