Poems by Luke Hankins
In Luke's poems, the words move across the page creating a visual, visceral parallel to the syntactical rhythm of the text. The eye moves...
Poems by Karla Linn Merrifield
Gizmo Girl’s Touristy Snapshot
Two senoras, thirty-somethings,
sisters or girlfriends on Sunday’s day off,
working girls, maybe office staff, off-duty
hip to hip on a white tile banc
Switchblades on the Table – Poems by: María Ramírez Delgado
Translated from Spanish by : Billy B. Thompson
1. Switchblades on the Table
Let’s put two switchblades on the table.
Look at them and don’t let their...
Five Poems: By Miriam Sagan
1. Advent
let’s ask ourselves
what is possible—
orange berries
clinging to the thorns
the moon wanes
but like love
if only a sliver remains
cattle in the dark field
angels on the...
Three Poems : By Michael G. Smith
How To Approach a Tree
As if it were the sole
being in a sea of hot sand,
its furrowed bark an open
gate to the pure land
The Story of the Cat That Drank the Sea
Poem: Riyaz Qurana
Translated from Tamil by: Rajesh Subramanian
The drop that was sucked this afternoon
was the last one. The sea went dry.
From the moment the...