The Kissing Class – By Michael Conniff

  You never knew what you might find in those handouts under Human Potential or Leisure Pursuits. You never knew, and it was in one...

Our Shadows Are One Shadow – By Samuel Stone

    It is dark out. Ma flips down a switch on the wall by the front door and the porch light outside goes dark. She...

Arab Spring – By Gregorio Tafoya

    His dad threatened to take his allowance—to lower it at least. Ethan tried reasoning with him, but the man was resolute, his authority not...

Hsi-wei and Yuan-Yang – By  Robert Wexelblatt


On the Shores of the Khazar Sea – By Jasmina Mihajlović

    Belated Love Letters Excerpts from book On the shores of the Khazar Sea by Jasmina Mihajlovic;  each of these memories (letters) begins with a passage from Milorad Pavić’s...

City of Sleepwalkers – By Constantin Severin

  City of Sleepwalkers - A Novel By Constantin Severin (An excerpt)   The death of words - the most apt motto for the chapter of the post-human...