
The Kissing Class – By Michael Conniff

  You never knew what you might find in those handouts under Human Potential or Leisure Pursuits. You never knew, and it was in one...

Arab Spring – By Gregorio Tafoya

    His dad threatened to take his allowance—to lower it at least. Ethan tried reasoning with him, but the man was resolute, his authority not...

Apartment 806 – By James la Vigne

  Alison dreamed that Daddy climbed out of a deep, kelpy lake to give her a box. Inside was an iPod Nano. Without speaking, he...

She was his Lolita – By Rimli Bhattacharya

  She always loved to write and dance, it was in her blood. She had been dancing since age four. She knew singing as well...

Father – By Blaze Minevski

  Translated from Macedonian by Elizabeta Bakovska   Now there are many people that write about what happened in our time, but only the two of us...

Stars above Detroit – By Jonathan B. Ferrini

  It was a cold and snowy December when I was handed the address of a “crack house” in one of the deserted and boarded...

Drowning in the Red Sea – By Rebekah Ricksecker

   Marta Teaching is like acting, but with less pay. I relied heavily on my acting skills during seventh period every day, more than in any...

Moving Shadow – By Blaze Minevski

  Translated from Macedonian by Elizabeta Bakovska Chona’s Chocho and Damjan Dabiziv are sitting under the withered plum tree on the boundary. The boundary divides them...

Turkish Night – By Blaze Minevski

  Translated from Macedonian by Elizabeta Bakovska       Every story can be told in such a way that it will become more beautiful, and...

Soil – By Blaze Minevski

  Translated from Macedonian by Elizabeta Bakovska      My brother loved to eat soil, and I had to watch that he didn’t: do not let...

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