Poems by Colin Ian Jeffery

Pic by Steve Johnson


Russia’s war invading Ukraine

(March 2022)

Monstrous Putin, bloody Russian dictator, wading in blood
Vile creature isolated in ivory tower using murder and terror
Oppressing own people, greedy to increase his empire
Invaded Ukraine massacring men, women and children
Shelling, bombing, guided missiles fired at civilian areas
Russian army doing war crimes shocking the world.

Putin and military leaders declaring lies as the truth
Determined to crush and destroy Ukraine until no more
Country absorbed into Russia with only Russian spoken.

Ukraine stood magnificent and resolved against Russian might
Fought valiantly to withstand and overcome, repelling the enemy
Standing alone for world democracy supported by free nations
Providing aid to see Ukraine flag fly over a free country
Where children play without terror of Russian oppression.

Hero of history, Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky,
Stood defiant like Winston Churchill against Hitler’s Nazi hordes
Keeping world free from dictator’s insane dreams of empire.

Evil and lies never survive hearts of good loving people.


Hearing her voice

When I hear my lover’s voice, music to my soul
Sweet lyrical tones echoing throughout the day
Giving purpose, resolve, overwhelming love.
Time no longer presses hard, minutes swiftly lost
But each minute precious, memories enshrined.
Life enhanced with her voice, lovingly cherished
Echoing soft like pealing church bells on Sunday morn.
Never thought nor understood such love could be
Until she came entering my heart, enthroned
Giving wondrous heights of happiness and passion
With desire to be united soulmates until we die,
Sharing, encouraging and supporting, ever faithful.
She is the best of me, the beat of my heart
Reason for each joyous breath I take to live.


Love’ sweet sensation

You are sensation of my life, sweetness and joy
Wit, wisdom, guiding hand never forsaking
Companion, best friend, lover, soulmate
Keeping me safe, guided upon life’s highway.
Your smile stirs my heart sweetly and ecstatically
Making eyes to see beauty everywhere.
You are dream made reality I thought denied
Love storming the heart overwhelming
Making life bright when once there was shadow.
I know love’s full measure with you, my beloved
And hardships and sacrifices suffered for me.
Supporting, encouraging without complaint
Darling of my Muse, focus of my happiness
What I achieve is because of you, and you alone.


Ghost ship

Ancient three-mast sailing ship emerging from the mist
Sea still as millpond, sails rigged and flapping
But there is no wind only fearful chilling stillness.
From ship comes wail of sailor’s hornpipe
Mournful, piercing the soul, music for the dead.
On deck only helmsman seen standing at the wheel
Defiant, steering endless voyage seeking sailors’ souls
Lost sailing vast oceans and seas of the world.
There is no face but skull with dark eye sockets,
Decayed teeth, skeleton hands, brown stained with age.
Mission for his master, the Devil, gathering the damned.
Waving bony hand in greeting passing another ship
Calling to all on board, voice chilling every soul
“I have come for you to join my voyage to Hell.”


Deadly virus

(Coronavirus 2020-22)

Ordered by governments to self-isolation
People endure daily terror, unseen killer
Sweeping world, millions infected.
Death toll rising, mostly elderly dying
Lungs attacked, struggling to breathe
Isolated from families in hospital wards
Doctors and nurses in protected clothing
Extremely ill on ventilators, last hope of survival.
Virus like wildfire spreading out of control
Health workers desperate, struggling to cope.
Devastation of mind, people in despair
Wearing face masks, repeatedly washing hands
Waiting, praying for epidemic to end
Afraid there is no victory over the virus.


Love’s royal heartbeat

Come, stand by me, precious beloved one
Let me be your strength and support
Safe harbour from stormy seas
Love that warms, cradles your heart.
When your steps falter and all seems lost
And you are too weary to take another step
I will be there to comfort, never leaving you.
My life was fulfilled and overflowing
Knowing and loving you, my soulmate.
You give such heights of joy and happiness
Making each day royal with sweetest purpose.
I thank your parents for your birth
Creating the awe and wonder of you.
My lover and heartbeat’s steady rhythm.


About the Author

Colin Ian Jeffery is an established English poet and novelist with world-wide reputation.  He was seven, a choirboy, when he became entranced by poetry after hearing the twenty-third psalm. The beauty of the words struck his soul like lightning and his Muse began to sing. He then found poetry was being read on the BBC radio Home Service and would listen in awe and delight to such poets as Dylan Thomas, John Betjeman, and Ted Hughes.