The Illusion – A Poem by Rimli Bhattacharya




I felt his hand on my shoulders,
I looked behind
There he stood smiling at me.
It was my illusion as
He was in the arms of a woman who looked like me.

I felt his soft kiss on my lips,
I looked behind
There he stood with his hands cupping my face.
It was my illusion as
He was kissing a woman who looked like me.

I felt his touch on my curves,
I looked behind
There he stood caressing me.
It was my illusion as
He was nuzzling a woman who looked like me.

I inch closer to him
The tip of my finger traces his lips.
There is an urge in me to kiss them
I rest my head on his chest
I listen to his gentle breathing.

It was my illusion as
She had already captured his heart where I stayed
She, the woman who looked like me.


About the author:

Rimli Bhattacharya is a gold medalist in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, and also holds an MBA in supply chain management. Her essay on mental illness in the anthology “Book of Light”  published by  Speaking Tiger Publications caught much attention in literary circles. Her writings have appeared in several magazines. She is also a trained classical dancer (Kathak & Odisi forms).